Daisy Torres
With Halloween approaching fast, the pressure of finding a good costume grows more and more, and in my search for the perfect costume, I have come to find a rather disappointing experience. It is no secret that during Halloween season the revealing costumes are predominant, but there is not much variety for someone who is not looking to seem “sexy” during this holiday. I have come to find that mainly the female costumes lack the authentic look that male costumes seem to have. For example, it is extremely hard to find a superhero costume that is not made up of short shorts, or short skirts. Now, the male superheroes’ costume look quite comfortable, there is not as much latex, lycra and the word sexy is nowhere to be found. It is not only for the superhero look, but I looked for the basic costumes, pirate, witch, firefighter and the female version results were the same: short skirts, and plunging necklines. Let’s take a look at the Wal-mart costume for Thor, the female version is called Thor Girl Sassy Adult Costume and the male version is called Thor Avengers Classic Muscle Adult Halloween Costume. It is hard to find a costume that does not have a name such as vampire vixen, man-stealing maid, or all star cutie. It is very upsetting that even with clothing, there is a major difference between male and female. While it is more than OK to want to look sexy in a revealing costume, there is the other end of the spectrum with women who would rather wear clothes that are a bit more covering. Although there are alternatives for all these costumes, there are not as many options out there. I’d like to see various female Halloween costumes that look like what they’re intended to be. If I wanna be a crayon, I want to be a crayon, not a sassy crayon. If wanna be Captain America, I want to look like Captain America, not Sassy Captain America.
“It is extremely hard to find a superhero costume that is not made up of short shorts, or short skirts.”