The Seward County Community College agriculture building was visited by children of Liberal, Kismet and Plains kindergartens for Farm Education Day where they were able to interact with farm animals and learn about agriculture. The Farm Bureau Association organized the event with the help of SCCC’s ag department, Southwestern Heights High School’s Future Farmers of America, the Farm Service Agency and Natural Resource Conservation Service. Carolyn Quillin, president of the Farm Bureau and Seward County conservation district manager, said “farming is very important and that’s why we’re out here trying to educate them at a young age so they will know the right stuff, not what’s just put out there in the media.” Starla Young, Farm Bureau Association county coordinator, said “I had a little kid already today tell me he that he didn’t realize his egg came from the chicken.” SCCC/ATS agriculture students, Southwestern Heights FFA members, the Farm Bureau Board, the Kansas State University extension, NRCS, FSA and Seward County Soil Conservation volunteered to provide different activities other than just showing off farm animals and crops. These included activities about soil, safety about tractors and equipment, how to take care of animals and what goods animals produce, as well as a water shed that the Southwestern Heights FAA students presented and explained where the water the comes from. About 550 children in total were scheduled to attend Farm Education Day. Leslie Spikes, the organization manager, appreciates the help SCCC students provide. “It takes a lot of people and a lot of help, having the college kids is huge. We love the college kids that were here last year and they’ve been really good this year, too, working with the groups” Quillin also added, “It’s a fun day for us, trying to educate younger audiences.” The Farm Bureau Association not only tries to educate children but also supported higher education by donating $500 towards the SCCC/ATS Foundation’s agriculture scholarship fund.