SCCC 2018-19 Resident Assistants chosen
As the 2017-18 school year comes to an end, the plans for next year begin. For Seward County Community College student housing, this means finding new students who want to become resident assistants (RA).
Nine new resident assistants have been chosen for the 2018-19 school year. These students were chosen by a committee made up of at least two housing staff members and any current RA. Students who applied to become an RA were required to submit an application with two letters of reference and are also required to be in good academic/conduct standing with the college. Then, the candidates who qualified were interviewed.
The chosen resident assistants for the upcoming school year are: Isiah Small, Angel Meza, Cole Evans, Owen Martin, Cassandra Esquibel, Corrina Porras, Aysia Harper, Laci Rush and Kyra Kalani.
These RAs all have one similar goal: to be good leaders. Kate Mulligan, Director of the Student Living Center, is excited for the year to come and has high hopes for the leadership that the 2018-19 RAs will have.
“I think that we have a very unique group of RAs for next year. Each one of them have a different skill set and personality that will make a great team. They have all voiced that they aspire to be strong leaders for our campus and I have no doubt they will all achieve this goal,” Mulligan said.
For some, becoming a resident assistant was just to help with housing costs, but the ability to gain friendships from the job was also a positive for future RA, Angel Meza.
“Since the beginning of the year, I saw that the RA’s on campus knew everyone. I thought it would be cool for everyone to at least know me and see me as a role model,” the Satanta freshman said.
Students will begin moving in to the SLC on Saturday, August 18. The RAs will spend the week before move-in day preparing events to kick off the school year.
“I’m looking forward to meeting all of the incoming freshman,” Corrina Porras, future RA, said.
Roll over and click on a photo below to find out more about the new RAs.