Early 2024, President Brad Bennett opened to the Liberal community about the pool on campus with the possibility of filling...
“Little Shop Of Horrors,” a horror comedy rock musical, hit the stage at Seward County Community...
TURN IN YOUR FAFSA! Are you nervous and don’t know what to do? DON'T BE! First of all, what is FAFSA?...
Nubia Rodriguez and Joe Haskell | September 5, 2024
Who are you and where are you from? I’m b-dawg, I'm from Charleston, Missouri. The southeast...
What is your major? I’m in sports management. Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of...
On Jan. 17, the Seward County College Lady Saints and Independence Community College Pirates basketball...
Tattoos have been around since 3370 B.C., so it is a no-brainer that they are still around today. Tattoos are done differently today, but they...
Getting a tattoo can be an exciting experience. Though there is also a lot of decision making...
Once a semester the musicians come out of their “Music Cave" and perform their semester concert to their fans and others. On Dec. 1 Seward...
Student actors and actresses at Seward County Community College performed their first public...