What was the biggest culture shock you’ve experienced since moving to the United States?
I think it was the food. You know how Mexico, they have the crops and everything there, and just like, they sell them at the market fresh. Here, nothing is fresh. The first weeks I got here, I was really sick in my stomach, because it was bad. Now, I think I’m getting used to it.
Describe your talents.
I think I’m creative. I like to do things on my own or I like to make little crafts. When I was little, I would watch YouTube videos and try to make little crafts for my mom… I think I’m very creative… I’m good at painting. I think that’s one of my talents, and another talent that I maybe have. Whoa… I think I have the passion to dance. I really enjoy dance… If I could, I would just get into a dance studio, to get the experience… I have the passion, not the talent.
What is your favorite memory from Michoacan?
I think hanging out with my friends. Like after school, we would take the public transportation. Yeah, and go to the candy market. It was the Mercado de Dulces en El Centro. It was really fun. We would buy the most weirdest candy like gummy worms and alacranes (scorpions)… And we would try them together… go around shopping… There’s people who paint you like cartoons, and we would do that every time.
What’s your proudest accomplishment so far?
One of my biggest accomplishments right now is I’m getting emotionally independent, and I’m growing emotionally… Before, I would let my emotions control me. Now I feel like I’m controlling my emotions. I know how to control myself more. So I think I’m growing up as a person because I’m controlling my emotions. I think it’s hard and it takes time, but I think I’m progressing.
What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or day off?
I have two things to say. Either I have to not be home, or be home and not [do] anything. Yeah, because if I stay home… I don’t get ready, I’m still in my PJs. I will watch a movie, eat whatever I want… watch TikTok or Netflix. If I have plans, I will get up early to feel productive and do my homework… I take four hours to get ready if I’m going out and just hang out with my friends later.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
When I grew up my dad had a veterinaria (vet clinic). So I would see how the dogs came when they were… really sick… it’s like a human. It’s like being a doctor. So I don’t want to be that, because… I do like animals, but I don’t like to do the surgery on them. It was also… an adoption center too. We would like announce the dog for adoption, and I would take care of them. And it was so sad, because I fell in love with every dog, and after they took them, I was like, “No, that’s mine. He has my name!” I have to say goodbye to every animal.
What helps you stay motivated or inspired?
It’s my family, like I see all the struggles that they have with money. Everything that keeps me motivated is the feeling, I want to help them. So that’s on my mind, 24/7… That’s my purpose. Help my parents financially, so someday they don’t have to work.
How do you envision your life in the future, in terms of your relationships and career?
I don’t want men in my house. I want to be alone: Me, myself and I, period. I want to first gain experience. I want a corporate job, and if I can… work for a big company.
In the future do you plan on going back to Mexico?
I don’t see myself anymore in Mexico, to be honest… it’s, like, different in Mexico, I did really have a good childhood. But being an adult, it’s different, and I’m not going back to the same experience that I had there because I was a child.
If you had never come to the U.S., what do you imagine life would be like in Mexico right now?
Probably, I will be in college, yeah, because I had to go to college “si o si” (“yes or yes”) because my parents wanted me to pursue an education so I can be by myself and can be independent. But I think… I would not be living with my parents.
What’s the current business you’re running?
I’m doing a product-service industry. I do customized chocolate strawberries. To make an order go to @sweetdreamsVM on Instagram.
What advice would you give to college students who are from a different country?
I would say not to be afraid or embarrassed to ask someone for help. If they’re struggling with something or having a hard time, try to look for help and really choose their friendships. They really have to be aware of who they’re friends with.

What qualities do you think are important for a student to have to successfully manage both clubs and classes?
Organization and time management. Sometimes people say they don’t have time. But yes, you do have time. You just don’t know how to organize your things. If I didn’t know how to manage my time, I would say the same things. I used to be like that too, thinking I didn’t have time. But you just have to prioritize the important things and let go of the ones that aren’t as important.
What is most important to you?
Well, my family is one, but also myself right now. I will say that I’m left with not caring about myself, but I’m trying to be more…it’s gonna sound bad, but I’m trying to be a little more selfish because I’m always like, “she needs this, he needs that” and I forget about myself sometimes. So just, prioritize myself a little bit more.
What’s one goal you hope to achieve by the end of this year?
I need to save money because if I want to go to college, I need to start saving money. I want to go to a university, and thinking about not staying in Kansas, but more like Oklahoma. I want to go to a city.
What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn or try but haven’t yet?
I want to learn how to speak Italian and something else that I want to learn, but I haven’t tried, ropa (clothes). So like, sew clothes, make clothes, but, like, make them pretty.