Meaning through tattoos
Crusader member shares meaning behind her ink
Tattoos have been around since 3370 B.C., so it is a no-brainer that they are still around today. Tattoos are done differently today, but they are still just as popular. Many different people have tattoos that either mean something to them or just because they wanted it. For me I have mine because they are meaningful to me, and I plan to get more later on that will continue the meaningful theme.
Currently I have five tattoos, and I have gotten them mainly because something happened in my life to inspire it. Ever since I was young I have wanted to get tattoos because I wanted to have something on my body meaningful that I can look at and remember the reasoning behind it.

My first tattoo was on the side of my left wrist, and it was a semicolon which is the suicide awareness symbol. I got this tattoo in Colorado Springs on my 16th birthday. When I went to get it, I was really nervous and thought it was going to be painful but once it started it didn’t really hurt, especially since my mom was there and talked to me the whole time. I had always wanted this tattoo because of what has happened to me personally, and I still love this tattoo to this day.

My second tattoo was a mother daughter tattoo on my ankle. I got this tattoo because my mom has always been there for me no matter what, so I wanted to have a tattoo to show that bond with my mom. Her and I have also been talking about getting that tattoo ever since I was little, so this tattoo is also really meaningful to me. She is my best friend, and I am glad I got to get a tattoo with her. This tattoo also made me never want to get a tattoo on my ankle again because it hurt so bad.

My third tattoo was the saying, “It’s okay to not be okay” on my left arm. I got this tattoo last year when I was going through another dark time especially since I was away from my family. I also got it to remind myself that it will be okay even if it doesn’t feel like it. I love this tattoo so much, especially the placement because I can see it everyday. I also was very happy that this tattoo didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.

My fourth tattoo was the saying, “Ohana” mainly because I love Stitch in “Lilo and Stitch” but also because I love the meaning behind it. Family is everything to me, so I wanted it on my right arm so I could see it and just remember that “Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” The movie is also very special to me because even when Lilo couldn’t make very many friends she still had her family, and that’s how it can be for me at times. I love my family, and I am very happy that I got this tattoo to remind myself that even if my family and I are fighting we will still always be there for each other.

My fifth tattoo was on my left bicep, and I chose to get it there because it was closest to my heart. I wanted the tattoo close to my heart because I had my family draw hearts and tell me their favorite color, and they all did not know that I was going to get them tattooed on me. But once Christmas came around I showed them the tattoo, and they all thought it was pretty cool. So going along with the “Ohana” tattoo I am glad I will have their hearts on me forever and just remember how I thought it was obvious what I was doing with their drawings, but I still surprised everyone with it.

My next tattoo which I hope to get soon before my wedding will be for a family member that died when I was young. We all called him Bubba Eric, and he was everything to all of us. He always would try and make sure everyone was happy. I miss him a ton and it sucks that he won’t get to physically be at my wedding, but I know that with this tattoo it will be like if he is somewhat there with me. I also will be matching my cousin with this tattoo which makes me happy because he was everything to both of us.
My tattoos all have a meaning, and I am glad I got all of them. My mental health and family is super important to me, and I love all of my tattoos that either remind me of my family or that it will be okay. If you want to get a tattoo, do it even if it isn’t meaningful to you because you will have that memory forever. Also here is some advice.
Eat before you go to your tattoo appointment so that you don’t pass out. If you have high anxiety, take someone with you and talk the whole time and you might not feel the pain as much. Talk with your artist especially if it is your first tattoo and make sure where you want the tattoo is a good spot. Also please remember if you want your tattoos facing you it will not be upside down, maybe for others it will be but oh well because you got it for yourself. That is what I always tell myself anyway.

Brianna Rich is a 20-year-old sophomore majoring in journalism. Rich is very excited about starting a new semester and can...