Maria Coronado is an 18-year-old freshman and a Liberal native. She is currently an undecided major, but has many interests...
Hometown: Ellijay, Georgia - Major: Criminal Justice
January 27, 2021
Eric Turner is a Georgia native who enjoys hunting and enjoys the scenery of his home state
What is your biggest fear?
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
“Back to Georgia. I miss home, especially the beautiful scenery.
Who is someone you look up to and why?
“I look up to many professional athletes one being Mike Trout.”
What is something you enjoy doing in your free time?
“Hunting in Georgia. There is nothing in particular that I like to hunt just whatever is out there.”
What is your favorite childhood memory?
“Going to Stone Mountain in Atlanta.”
If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
“It would be to be like Superman because he can do anything also because he is buff. “
Maria Coronado is an 18-year-old freshman and a Liberal native. She is currently an undecided major, but has many interests...