International Pancake Day
December 7, 2021
Races for Pancake Day include the entire family. Kids race before the main event – the women’s race. The main event is the event where Liberal competes against Olney, England for the fastest time each year.
The International Pancake Day Hall of Fame is a place that is dedicated to the International Pancake Day Race. The Pancake Day races take place once a year on Shrove Tuesday. Liberal takes on their sister city, Olney, England, with a friendly competition of who can flip a pancake and run 400 meters the fastest. This year’s celebration is on March 1.
At the International Pancake Day Hall of Fame there is a lot of information about Pancake Day and the history behind it. You can see that it is a much bigger deal in this area than just a day off from school. You can also get your Pancake Day merch and wear them proudly!
Whether it is your first Pancake Day or your tenth, there are always fun activities for the annual Pancake Day. The Hall of Fame is only open on Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.