Salina Byrd is a 19-year-old freshman and is majoring in early education. Byrd was born in Pensacola, Florida, and raised...
Photo courtesy of Seward County PRCA Rodeo Committee
A cowboy rides a bull out of the gate during the 2021 Seward County PRCA rodeo at the fairgrounds. The annual event did not happen in 2020 due to COVID. Haralson said it was great to have the rodeo back, bringing entertainment and money back into the Liberal community.
February 7, 2022
Every August, Renee Haralson’s “baby” comes to life as fans fill the stands for two nights to watch PRCA rodeo action in Liberal.
Haralson coordinates the Seward County PRCA rodeo, a popular event attended by hundreds of people from both in and out of America. She spends most of the year getting ready for the event but there is a good chance you’ll find her at American Title & Abstract, a business she started in 1992.
She took time out of her schedule to talk rodeo with Crusader:
Crusader: So with all the work you put into your own business, how do you manage to still run a rodeo every year?
A: It does get busy and hectic because if we’re busy at American Title it can be hard to balance but I have lots of help too. We have committee members that work on different aspects of the rodeo. I just have to make sure I dole out what needs to be done. Our first year, 2014, was a learning curve. We now know, when certain times of the year come up, what needs to be done and how to get it done.
Crusader: Based on what I saw from the rodeo you put on last year, I have no doubts that a massive amount of effort gets put into this. So, how far in advance do you plan for the rodeo?
A: Months. We’re normally already talking about next year’s rodeo before we even get the rodeo for that year done because we can always see improvements or we’ve already been asked about something else. We’re already talking about new things for the next rodeo before we even get the first rodeo finished but normally we’re big into it by February first.
Crusader: From what I understand, you have contestants coming in from all around the world. Last year I believe one or two were even from Australia. How do people from another country find out about a rodeo being hosted in Liberal?
A: These cowboys run a circuit, the PRCA circuit and so they post all the rodeos. What they’re trying to do is if they’re going to be at a rodeo at this time. What rodeos are close by so that the more rodeos they make, the more money they win is how they make up in the standings. Most of these guys are over here for the whole summer or most of the year. As long as there are rodeos going, they’re here in the states. They usually don’t go back and forth. They’re here for the duration.
Crusader: Contestants outside of our own country make an appearance in your rodeo. I can’t imagine the excitement you must feel whenever you find out where they’re coming from. Speaking of, would you mind sharing where some of the furthest participants have come from?
A: Australia is probably the furthest, though there’s also Canada. Between the two Australia is where the major ones are from. People from all over the states also show up too.
Crusader: Well, I believe we have reached the end of my Q&A. So do you, by any chance, have any questions or comments you would like to add before I go?
A: I would add that our rodeo this year is on Aug. 19 and 20. We are very excited about it. In fact, we’re already working on the entertainment, last year we had trick riders.
This interview has been edited and condensed.
Salina Byrd is a 19-year-old freshman and is majoring in early education. Byrd was born in Pensacola, Florida, and raised...