Field biology students take a trip to Turner falls Oklahoma. Students are required to go on two camping trips to pass the Field Biology course. (File Photo)
Photo Essay: Field Biology students experience great outdoors
May 3, 2017
Field biology is a five credit hour camping course at Seward County Community College.Students must go on two trips in order to pass the course. The trips the class go on change every year. First was Picture Canyon, Colorado and the second was Turner Falls, Oklahoma. The purpose of the course is to teach how to survive without basic needs like electricity and technology. Each student was required to keep a journal, writing what they observed and experienced.

Instructors Don Hayes and Ty Hughbanks take students to see a dinosaur bone to kick off the first trip.

Many cows are for sell in Colorado. Mother’s protect their young at any cost, it’s wise to stay away from their young.

Biology instructor Ty Hughbanks finds a corn snake during the bug hunt. Corn snakes are a North American species that represses its little prey by tightening them but they rarely bite.

Bug hunting was one of the activities during the Colorado trip. Students got split up into groups of three to see who could find the most species of bugs.

Students Delwin Young and Malik Brown took a couple of falls in the water but had a great time overall during the trip.

Turner Falls Park is the oldest park in Oklahoma and is named after Mazeppa Thomas Turner. The recreational territory went under the responsibility for city of Davis in 1919.