The student news site of Seward County Community College

Daniela Carmona

Celia Gutierrez is an Education major from Mexico but raised in Liberal. She is a member of the college cheer team.

Celia Gutierrez

Liberal - Education major

January 18, 2019

If you ever had kids, how many would you like?
“I would like three.”

When did you decide you wanted kids?
“The age I decided I wanted kids was when I was 17. I decided I would rather wait until I’m 24. Another thing I’d do is adopt and give some kids a chance to have a life.”

Do you feel like society pressured you to have kids or did you decide for yourself?
“I decided for myself.”

Do you think that having kids is important to be happy in life?
“NO! I don’t think it matters. You also don’t need a husband or a man to raise a child.”

What made you want to decide to major in education and teach kids?
“Just the fact that I like little kids and seeing them grow up makes me happy. I like to take care of people and make them happy so I feel like that’s why, I’m a nurturing person.”

What do you do in your free time?
“I sleep, eat. I do cheer here at the college.”

Why do you want to teach little kids?
“Because I feel like older kids are rude and disrespectful a lot of the time and little kids have more respect and you can teach them easily. I feel like teaching older kids will be a waste of my time because they’re not going to listen.”

Have you ever been in a school setting where you shadow a teacher or teach kids?
“I haven’t but I would like to soon.”

Is there something else you would like to do besides teaching or a plan b?
“I’d like to be a lawyer. I remember my senior year in high school I had it all planned out, what I was gonna do and where I would transfer. But I changed my mind to education because I would see my little brother’s classmates when I’d pick him up from school. That made me want to be a teacher. But if I did teach, I would really like to work on my law degree while taking online classes and finishing school at the same time.”

Year in college?

About the Contributors
Photo of Annette Meza
Annette Meza, Managing Editor

Annette Meza is a sophomore journalism major. She is 19 years old and was born and raised in Liberal. In her free time, she...

Photo of Daniela Carmona
Daniela Carmona, Photographer

Daniela Carmona is a full-time student with three dogs and a turtle. One of her favorite hobbies is photography. She wants...

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