The student news site of Seward County Community College

Rubi Gallegos

Serrano tapes the ankle of a Saints basketball player.

Serrano sets bar for students

March 5, 2018

If you name a club, he’s in it. If there is a school event happening, he’s there. Seward County Community College sophomore, Emmanuel (Manny) Serrano, is the most involved student around campus.

Rubi Gallegos
Serrano is a student athletic trainer for all Saints and Lady Saints sports teams.

Serrano is a Liberal native that came to SCCC after attending Fellowship Baptist School and received a scholarship from SCCC that is offered to high school seniors.

“I came to Seward because I received the Presidential Scholarship,” Serrano said.

At SCCC, Manny is involved in clubs like: Student Government Association (SGA), Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), Campus Messengers for Christ (CMC) and the Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO).

In addition to being involved in all of the clubs and organizations, Serrano is also a student athletic trainer at the SCCC sporting events.

“In his extracurricular activities, he is one of the busiest students I have encountered.  The majority of these activities are contributions of his time to the community and the school.  He always gives more of himself than he asks for himself, making him one of the least selfish humans I have met. I feel Manny has the potential to make major impact on society as a future leader in whatever field he chooses. I consider Manny a personal friend!” Hughbanks stated about Serrano.

Not only does Serrano perform well in the classroom and in his clubs, he also connects with each and every student.

“My favorite part of SCCC is the opportunities I have had to make an impact on campus and the good friends I’ve made,” Serrano said.

After finishing this semester and graduating in May, Serrano plans to attend Kansas State University to major in athletic training and Kinesiology.



“What sticks out the most about Manny is his inquisitive nature but also his ability to apply the information taught/demonstrated to him in the athletic training room or classroom,” Liz Hill, athletic trainer, said.

After completing his schooling at both SCCC and KSU, Serrano has big plans for his future career.

“My dream job is to be an athletic trainer for a professional Sports team,” Serrano said.


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Photo of Amberley Taylor
Amberley Taylor, Editor

Amberley Taylor loves to design and be creative. Whether it's a graphic or a webpage, she wants the reader to be pulled into...

Photo of Rubi Gallegos
Rubi Gallegos, Photo Editor

Margarita "Rubi" Gallegos is a freshman majoring in Digital Photography. She was born in Tierra Blanca, Guanajuato, Mexico...

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