The Saints finish their season with a home game dedicated to the sophomores. Despite battling through to the end, the Saints walk home with two wins out...
A sea of black robes stood across the Greenhouse court as Seward County Community College’s 51st annual graduation commenced. Except something was missing....
May 7 was not only a celebration for 2022 graduates but also for former Head Baseball Coach and Athletic Director, Galen McSpadden. This jersey retirement...
Seward County Community College’s 50th commencement ceremonies looked and felt a little different this year, but graduates were still able to celebrate...
For most graduating from Seward County Community College this semester, COVID has been a part of their entire college experience. It has been a long year...
With graduation coming up ahead Seward County Community College is excited to announce the plans for this year's graduation. Last year students were not...
Graduation applications for spring 2021 have been available since the start of the fall semester but many sophomores haven’t filled it out.
The problem,...
As the saying goes, "Another year, another chapter comes to an end," and my time at Seward County Community College has officially come to an end. When...
As this semester comes to an end, SCCC celebrated graduates, and yet another chapter in their lives, with the 47th commencement on May 5. The Green House...
Graduation is right around the corner. Caps and gowns are being picked up and graduation party planning is in full gear.The festivities will begin on Friday,...