This episode was filmed on April 14, 2023. It’s obviously been a second. It’s good to finally get this episode released. SCCC sophomore Caiden Anderson made a fun episode because I was less “reading a script”: I was making questions on-the-spot and he made good feedback. This episode is fun because we started talking about school, and then I sounded like a mother asking questions about school. We started talking about history and subjects that we don’t get much coverage on like the history of Israel and Palestine. Then we started to move out of that topic and then cover older music and society. There are a lot of things that I regret not asking him about. Caiden is a goofy guy that has a lot of knowledge in things some people don’t know much about, and he likes telling people about them. I did mess up with some things in the episode, but I think it came out alright. I hope you enjoy this!
A Chance To Be On A Podcast: Episode 5
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About the Contributor

Chance Martin, Reporter
Chance Martin is a 20-year-old sophomore majoring in music. Martin will hopefully graduate from SCCC and go on to a university that has a theater program. Martin’s hopes are to be an actor in movies and eventually make movies of his own. But for now he is focusing on his studies and podcasting.