Hobbies: Creativeness for all
Hobbies are what make up our personalities. there are a milion hobbies that anyone can choose from. Its crazy that just some simple activities show off our personalities.
The question for Seward County Community College students was “what’s your favorite hobby?”. However, the answer that was given the most was “I don’t really have one” or “I’m not sure”. So what exactly is a hobby?
Hobby (Hob·by): an activity done in one’s leisure time for pleasure or relaxation.

Essentially what you do in your free time could be considered a hobby whether that be something creative like painting or drawing, watching Bob’s Burgers on Hulu, reading, listening to music, yoga, playing video games, riding horses, and even scrolling through social media.
We typically categorize hobbies as something special about ourselves or something that sets us apart from everyone else but that’s not always the case.
So why is it so hard sometimes to answer questions like “what’s your favorite hobby?” or “what do you do in your free time?”. I’d like to think that it’s because they could be considered everyday practices or regular normal things that everybody does so we don’t necessarily think of them as “hobbies”.
Shacaetra Ross, freshman cosmetology major says that her favorite hobby is playing volleyball.
“I’ve been playing volleyball since I was a kid and I really just enjoy it the more I get older”. Ross says. She also enjoys hanging out with her friends in her free time and would like to maybe give softball a try.

Playing sports is most definitely a hobby whether they be played in your free time or for a team or profession.
Bryan Symons, freshman history major says that his favorite hobby is photography.
“When I was younger we used to go on vacation all the time and my dad would always have his camera and he always let me use it so that’s how I was introduced to photography”. Symons says that he’s been doing photography off and on for 3 years and that he started off taking pictures for his brother’s graduations and also oftentime for events with his job at Wilkens Events.
“I really enjoy editing pictures because you can change the look or vibe of a photo and make it look totally different” Symons
says. He says that he plans to continue his photography journey because he finds photography and editing very relaxing.

Keeping what others might consider an “older person’s” hobby alive and watching yourself grow and get better at it can be so fulfilling and rewarding.
Aaliyah Eaton sophomore education major says that she would like to try her hand at crocheting.
“At the moment I am really busy so I don’t have a lot of time right now for extra hobbies, but I would like to try to crochet with the big yarn I see all over TikTok,” Eaton says.
The amazing thing about hobbies is that they can be normal everyday things and the only requirement is that you have to enjoy doing it.
By trying a new hobby it may bring a pleasant surprise and you never know; your new hobby may become the highlight of your day!
So, now to the question of the day: what’s your favorite hobby?

Raven Staten is a 22-year-old visual art major and a Liberal native. Staten would describe herself as caring and eclectic....

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