Wiktoria Kazimierowicz
Wroclaw, Poland – Major: Sports Psychology
What role do you play at your family reunion?
I am usually the little kid, who tries to get all the presents, eats a lot and watches movies.
If you could change where Seward County Community College is located, where would you relocate it? Why?
Houston, Texas. It is warm, close to the ocean and there are more things to do. Another reason is because my host family and my freshman year roommate live there now.
If you could change the scent of National Beef, what would it be? Why?
A forest smell. It reminds me of the many forests in Poland and I love hiking.
If you met a Genie, what would your three wishes be?
Honestly, I am good the way I am. I don’t really want any wishes. I like to work on myself and don’t really want anything to come easy. My wish is not to have wishes.
If the world is ending and you have one last call, who would you call? Why?
Probably my Mom, but I don’t know if she would pick up — hahaha. I would call her just because she is my Mom.
When I say orange, do you think of the color or the fruit?
I think about your hair [the reporter has orange hair] — hahaha.
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