Dhamar Dozal
Liberal – Major: Behavioral Science
Dhamar Dozal is from Liberal. Dozal is a freshman, and her major is behavioral science.
If you could do anything for one day, what are you choosing to do?
Probably go for a walk in the mountains–like way in the mountains. Any mountains really, just as long as there are trees around. It’s really peaceful and to get away from everybody–there is no sound except animals. It sounds fun.
What is a quote or saying you live by?
It is what it is. I learned that especially in college – like it is what it is. I have to do it anyway. There are some things that you can’t control, so you kinda just have to go with it. Why stress over something you can’t control if it’s gonna happen anyway.

What is your favorite childhood memory?
Going on family vacations. We went to Colorado one time, and I really liked it. There was snow everywhere and we were walking in the mountains. It was really quiet, the snow soaked up every noise. It was great.
If a color could describe you, what would it be? Why?
I think maybe green but like a sage green or light green. It’s a very calm color, it’s not too bright and it brings peace.
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
I don’t know, I have thought about it before. Either between telekinesis or reading minds. I feel like reading minds could be so overwhelming, but I don’t know. I think telekinesis would be cool – I don’t know if there is a downside to that one.
What is your go-to comfort movie? Why?
Grease, because of the music. My favorite character is Frenchie. She is just that supporting, loving friend that is always there for you. That’s why it is my comfort movie.
Who is your favorite musical artist? Why?
For a long time, it was Elvis Presley. During my freshman year of high school, I had my 15th birthday party as 1950s themed. I was just into 50s music vibes and stuff like that.
If you could go back to anytime in your life, when would it be?
My high school graduation day. At every other graduation, I would cry so when I was graduating it was kinda like ‘what now.’ I didn’t enjoy the moment as much as I should have. Maybe I should have felt a little more emotional and more proud of myself.
What is something you like to do for fun?
I used to like reading. I know I’m really late in the game, but I started reading the Harry Potter series. I’m obsessed with it – I haven’t finished it yet. I started reading the series my senior year of high school, it was really late. At first, I didn’t really like it – maybe it is just overrated. Now I’m reading Chamber of Secrets – I’m only three in, but I have watched all the movies.
Who is your celebrity crush?
Dylan O’Brien [actor] and probably Oliver Phelps the actor that plays George Weasley in the Harry Potter movies.

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