General class everyone dreads
Physical Education major, Noah Burton is a freshman and he has been taking public speaking this semester. His favorite speech was his demonstration speech because he got to eat pizza. His fast eating abilities won him a free pizza from Dominos because he could eat a medium pizza in under a minute.
November 17, 2021
Public speaking is a general class that is required for all students. Still, it can be frightening having to give a formal speech on stage in front of people that one does not know.
This class is offered in both the fall and the spring semesters along with summer options. In the summer there are typically fewer students and it is only a month long. The summer class does go a lot faster than in the fall and spring semesters. No matter when students take it, they will still have to give public speeches.

Public speaking instructor Amy Thompson shared tips like being prepared and practicing in advance can improve students’ speeches. Thompson also said that it is important to remember that everyone is nervous.
All students have different fears before starting this class. Some might be stage fright, stuttering, forgetting what the speech is about or forgetting what they are going to say, repeating, failure and even not being able to connect with the audience and keeping them engaged. It may sound simple but another fear is talking in front of people that one hardly knows.
Ren Watt, a pre-engineering major from Liberal, said, “My fears are turning red and stuttering in front of the class.”

Being prepared seems to be a common theme when it comes to surviving public speaking. It helps with being nervous and scared to give a speech on stage in front of the class. Students also have to dress up during the speech days.
Watt said “practicing in a room by yourself” is a good way to get ready for a speech.
There are quite a few different opinions about public speaking and all the class has to offer.
Ashanti Thompson, from Phoenix, Arizona, said, “Yes, I like this class because it is a class that will teach good life skills.”
While Watt said, “No, I don’t like the way the class is set up.”
Amy Thompson said public speaking helps make students’ speeches more effective and sound professional. It also teaches students to speak confidently in front of a crowd and to make sure the audience knows and understands what one is talking about.