Alexis Soto
Liberal, Kansas – Major: Business administration
Alexis Soto is a sophomore and majors in business administration. He was born in Liberal, Kansas and he is 19 years old.

What is your major?
My major is business administration. Although I didn’t think I would change it. Cause you know, we’re young and we are undecided.
What do you wanna change your major to?
Probably computer programming, I see a little opportunity for.
Where are you from?
I am from Liberal, Kansas. I grew up here.
Where are you going after you graduate from SCCC college? Are you going to University college?
I plan to transfer to Wichita State University. They have a really good business program there.
Who is your favorite artist?
I don’t have a favorite artist cause I’m undecided. I can’t have a favorite because there’s just too much to like.
What are your favorite places to travel?
I haven’t traveled, but if I could travel to a place it would be Japan. The culture there seems really happy and their food is really good too.
Who are your favorite NBA players?
No, I don’t watch sports.
What was your first concert?
I haven’t gone to a concert yet.
What is your favorite TV show at the moment?
“The Witch” on Netflix, it’s because it’s like it has a magic medieval monsters and stuff like that.
What is your favorite scene of it?
Probably when there’s an episode where they fight a gold dragon and try to steal another dragon like you don’t know it’s another dragon until the best sense comes along.
Do you tutor in the library?
I don’t tutor, but actually I can help people.
What is your favorite subject? I don’t have a favorite subject either.
What about your favorite class this year or your least favorite class?
My favorite class would probably be more Civilization because I like Kevin Gleason. His classes seem fun whenever you have the right people in there he’s awesome.
Would you ever get a tattoo or do you have any?
I don’t have any, I don’t think I would get one because I don’t know how, like I can’t see myself getting something for the rest of my life. Usually like ideas, like you see it now it’s a great idea and then later on you’re gonna be probably like, oh this was a bad idea… Even if you get it removed, I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be a scar or something.

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