Alejandra Berumen Reveles
Jerez, Zacatecas – Major: Computer science
Where are you from?
I am from Jerez, Zacatecas.
What is your major?
My major is undecided right now, but I think I’m gonna go into computer science.
Are you living on the campus?
No, I don’t live on campus.
What was your freshman experience like?
So far, my freshman experience in Seward has been going really good. The teachers are very helpful. All the staff is very helpful so far.
What is your favorite in class?
My favorite class is probably my last class, first seminar, and Mrs. Cassandra is teaching.
What’s it like to be a first-year student here?
At first, I thought I was gonna be really nervous, but so far it’s been going really good. Not what I expected.
What’s your favorite place on campus? Tell me why?
My favorite place on campus is probably gonna have to be the cafeteria area where the gym is and all that. It seems really relaxing there. You can just study and sit down an

d eat. I eat in the cafeteria.
Where do you like to study on campus?
I like to study on campus. It’s easier to study in school in the library.
Why there?
In the library, like whenever I’m on campus, I feel more focused to do my schoolwork. If I study in the library, it’s just quiet in there and it’s an area to be doing your work in.
Is it easy to get around campus? Tell me why?
I would say yes, there’s like directions everywhere. It’s easy to go to the places I need to go to. It’s not too difficult.
Why did you choose this school?
It was the closest school near me.
What is your favorite thing about this college?
My favorite thing about it, probably the staff, just the teachers, everybody that works there. Everybody’s nice.

Roque Reveles-Montelongo is a sophomore majoring in photography. He was born in Liberal and is 21 years old. The song "Silver...