SCCC tutors offer to help students with assignments
Seward County Community College offers three different opportunities to obtain tutoring- the Writing Center, Academic Achievements tutors, and TRiO. To be a tutor, a student must have high A and B grades in that subject. Students can advance and grow academically with the tutor’s experience. Tutors can also help students who are having trouble keeping up with their classes.
Students will have to make an appointment first with

Melissa J. Hilditch. The writing center has a tutor if students want to know who Nicole Piper is. Piper is an art education major from Hugoton. She likes learning English and will give students a better understanding of the language that goes along with writing.
The tutors at the Writing Center can help students succeed this semester if they take the opportunity to come and ask for help.
Another area in which a writing tutor might help is if a student finds that they are having trouble finishing a work in progress rather than getting started on it. The writing center is located in A136.
Denisse Delgado is a TRiO tutor at SCCC. TRiO tutor helps students. Students can come to TRiO and ask questions if they need help with any homework. Help with English and other assignments are provided by Delgado and two other TRiO tutors. Delgado said she would recommend tutoring because it has been a way for her to meet new people.

“Everyone learns in different ways. For example, the way I learn stuff could be like a different way that somebody else, like needing help, is gonna understand. So, it’s kind of like having to meet in the middle somewhere from where they did their work to what I know and kind of meet in the middle. So their paper doesn’t sound two below their average too high, it’s in the middle,” Delgado said.
Delgado explains that tutoring isn’t just for people who would work and turn it in for a good grade, but also, for them to understand the material they’re struggling with. Tutors give examples and feedback to help in creating a resume that best shows a student’s experience, skills, and grades.
Pre-medicine is Ariana Escalante’s major. She is from El Paso, Texas. “I do math, all levels of math, psychology, music appreciation. So different electives’ ‘ Escalante said. If a student struggles with math, Escalante as well as other tutors can also help with this subject.

Contact: Melissa J. Hilditch at the Writing Center
Emil: [email protected].
Contact: Ruth Rivera at the Student Success Center
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Blanca Y. Castro at the Trio
Email: [email protected]

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