TRIO brings opportunity to students
Raul Camacho, sophomore engineering major, finishes his college algebra homework in the TRIO Computer lab. The TRIO lab is open for TRIO members to come and work on homework and even get tutoring.
September 28, 2018
TRIO, a program that increases access to higher education for economically disadvantaged students, helps students get through college at Seward County Community College, offers everything from advising to helping you find your next college, and even transferring to that college. They still need about 30 more students to join in order to continue receiving funding for the program.
“We extend academic help, financial help, necessary counseling, and other minor accounts. We help to decide your major so you don’t just waste money to find out what you want to do. We open up reality that you are not in high school any more you are in college and we help show what it’s like in the real world. We open up the sense of reality and the whole way of thinking,” Maria Fe B. Laguitan, SSS academic/ career advisor, said.
TRIO not only offer varieties of help for their members, but they also host beneficial workshops for ALL students. Some workshops that they have held this year were: a meet and greet, how to pass your math class and an ice cream social.
“It’s a nice program that you can rely on for help,” Jenny Romero, freshman dental hygiene major, said.

Students enjoy ice cream from the ice cream social. TRIO hosted this ice cream social to get SCCC students to join the program.
TRIO will also be hosting events throughout the rest of the semester and year.
In October, there will be a Financial Aid workshop and a transfer visit to Fort Hays State University (Oct. 25).
Joining TRIO can benefit you in many ways like: free trips to check out colleges (anyone can go, you just have to pay to go if you are not in TRIO), advising, tutoring and transferring help.
When transferring and applying into other colleges and there is a fee to apply, the fee is also waved by TRIO.
Any SCCC student that meets at least one of the requirements can be involved in TRIO. The requirements are: be a first generation college student, have a documented disability, be a resident of the United States and income.
“TRIO is like a family you’re constantly getting new cousins its a safe haven for college students” A.j. Gomez, freshman pre-engineering major said.
Join the big family of TRIO by stopping by the TRIO office for an application today!