Foundation Auction raises over $48,000

Amberley Taylor, Co-Editor

The Seward County Community College’s Foundation Auction was a huge success this year, raising over $10,000 more ($48,298.10) and having 150 more attendees (430 total) than the previous year. This year’s auction, “Welcome to the Jungle,” took place on Saturday, Sept. 15 and lasted from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m.

Every year, the SCCC Foundation hosts this auction to help raise money for the student scholarships given out. This year’s auction was the third best year in its 24 year history.

Sponsorships from Keating Tractor & Equipment, Equity Bank, and High Plains Pizza was the reason they were able to raise only $2,303.13 less than the most money raised, and $2,124.22 less than the second most amount. The Foundation also sold all but two items at the event.

“I’m not sure if it was any specific changes or if the stars simply aligned….lower ticket costs and event timing helped us bring in 430 attendees; lower minimum bids and price-cuts allowed us to sell more donated items; new exciting items with somewhat obscure price points created higher bigs from attendees; and our cash donors and sponsors made the biggest impact by eliminating of all our expenses for the night,” Chandler Kirkhart, associate director of annual giving and alumni engagement said.

At the auction, there is entertainment, a meal, multiple items up for silent auction, a live auction, a lucky-draw section and a $300 mystery box. Guests are encouraged to come in costume, but it is not required. The items that were auctioned out included

The SCCC Foundation will host on another fundraiser, Phonathon, during the spring!

Overall, the foundation auction was a huge success with an increase in funds raised and an increase in attendees!

“This was a team effort thanks to our Auction Committee. This auction would have never opened up its doors if it weren’t for the many volunteers we had willing to go out and solicit donations and help before/during/after the event,” Kirkhart said.