Talking with Louie the Saint

Anastasia Smalldridge

In the Greenhouse, Louie is with his love the Lady Saint basketball girls. Louie is at his love’s practice.

Anastasia Smalldridge
Louie after the girls basketball game. Peacing out after the game.

Seward County Community College has a mascot named Louie. He is a Saint. He brings smiles to little kids faces when they see him.

“He’s outgoing, photogenic and tall,” Jenny Romero, dental hygiene major from Liberal said.

Kids and students alike can’t help but smile when they see him on and off the courts.

“He’s pretty neat” Melodies Rin, criminal justice major from Liberal said.

He hasn’t always been a part of SCCC. He was born in 2017.

In October 2016, the Saints came up with a logo and with it came a mascot. The mascot took some planning and he didn’t come to life until January 2017.

The new logo came as a result of a worldwide contest of designers. A designer from the Philippines who linked the design. Louie replaced what the school had for 30 years which was the ‘SC’ that the athletics department used.

The Saints staff named Louie after Saint King Louis IX. King Louis IX was the fourth child of King Louis VII and Queen Blanche of Castile. The first two children died at a young age, Louis had seven other brothers and sisters. He was the first knight and crusader to become a Saint.

“He reminds me of a mime, he tries to act funny but he can’t say anything,” Aj Gomez, pre- engineering major from Liberal said.

Sit down and get to know Louie the Saint 

Anastasia Smalldridge
Louie the Saint doing his interview, in the Greenhouse. Get to know Louie as he writes his answers for his interview.

Q: What makes Louie Louie?

A: The love and support of fans and living for Seward County Community College athletics.

Q: What does Louie do?

A: Bring smiles to peoples faces at any game I’m at

Q: Who is Louie’s love?  

A: The Lady Saints because I’m male

Q: What are Louie’s favorite school events?

A: Basketball games

Q: How do you get the school to have spirit?

A: I build the crowds energy so they will have spirit to keep the game going

Q: What tricks can you do?

A: I can do a mean high five and back flips

Q: What is your favorite weather season?

A: My favorite season is winter because that’s basketball season

Q: What is your favorite subject in school?

A: My favorite subject is P.E

Q: What is the best thing about being Louie?

A: I love being the pride of the school