Students, staff show their ‘new normal’

Since switching to online classes, students and staff have shown us what their new normal looks like on social media.
April 1, 2020
Long-distance learning and working has taken the universe by storm. Crusader News asked the Seward County Community College community on Facebook and Twitter what their “new normal,” working/learning from home, looked like. Some had desks set up, some did their work from their couch and others from their bedroom.
Students and staff participated by tagging us on twitter with #SCCCnewnormal or commenting on our facebook post!
Students like mass communications major Elvis Polvon said they didn’t have only one designated spot for studying.
Amy Thompson, Colvin Adult Learning Center instructor, had a nice set up in her living room area aside from her actual office.
Even the director of Admissions, Eric Volden, showed off his at-home office. And in this case, he’s doing some serious work with more than one monitor!
Saints basketball player Qiayoom “Q” Olanlege has his own set up back home in Brooklyn, New York where he spends most of his time.
One’s study space doesn’t have to be boring either! Freshman Jose Romero has his space lit up with colorful lights.
Sometimes, we just gotta improvise as well, like for Jade Harper, freshman criminal justice major.
Even while working from home, some things just don’t change for students like Preston Burrows, sophomore mass communications major.
Feel free to join in on the fun by using the hashtag #SCCCnewnormal and post your new normal on Facebook, Twitter or mention @Crusadernews.