No application? No graduation!
Sophomores must apply to earn associate’s degree
The graduation application deadline was Nov. 19 but many sophomores still have not turned in their applications for spring graduation
November 20, 2020
Graduation applications for spring 2021 have been available since the start of the fall semester but many sophomores haven’t filled it out.
The problem, Seward County Community College’s registrar thinks, can be attributed to the fact that students think that the graduation application is to walk across the stage at the ceremony. That’s not the reason students must complete the process.

“I think that there is a misconception sometimes that the application is an application to walk in the ceremony but that is not what it is,” Alaina Rice, registrar, explains. “[What] It actually tells us [is] that I [the student] meet all the requirements to graduate. So without it, you don’t graduate.”
Normally, by this time in November Rice has a stack of applications that overflows her desk. That stack is pretty small right now, despite the Nov. 19 deadline already passing. She believes it might have something to do with so many students doing remote learning. Instructors and advisers pass graduation information on to students in the class and in meetings. But more importantly, students normally see signs around campus reminding them of deadlines and what steps to take.
Due to the low application rate, the registrar’s office is extending this deadline to Dec. 9.
Rice gives these tips on how to apply for graduation:
1. Go to
2. Find the Students tab, and select Graduation Information
3. There you will find information about graduation and the Graduation Application