Students react to starting the spring semester remotely

Brooklynn Bauer

With COVID cases on the raise SCCC will have to make the decision to make remote learning a reality for the first two weeks of the spring semester.

William Swanson

With some finals taking place on campus this fall, it looks like things are going back to normal in the era of COVID-19. But due to the rise in cases, the idea of attending school in person may be in danger once again. 

This Tuesday, Seward County Community College’s administration will decide whether the spring semester starts in-person or remotely for the first two weeks in January. SCCC recently made the decision to limit the public’s access on campus after thanksgiving break when students will return on Nov. 30. That decision was made because of the current increase in COVID cases around Liberal.

There is some worry that going remote could inhibit the learning ability of students who prefer a classroom setting or that students with poor internet may be affected by the change.

“A lot of people learn better in person and they need the in-class experience. So when everybody’s remote, [they] don’t get to have that conversation [they get to] have in class,” Iann Hayes, a freshmen majoring in chemical engineering, said.

Still, one student believes the wait to return in-person is worth reducing the risk of students exposing each other to COVID-19.

“It’s a good idea because I’ve been hearing that the amount of cases are going to be going up, so it’s going to be safer to take those first two weeks off than to risk anything,” Marcos Peuntes, a sophomore from Plains said.


With the contemplation of the decision to go online because of the  increase of COVID cases, it begs the question: will the whole semester be online if cases cease to decline? The last time the college went completely remote was in the Spring of 2020, less than a year ago, as teachers struggled to adapt to the COVID pandemic.

“I feel like we probably will go remote just because it’s winter and [COVID’s] going to spread since it’s similar to the flu,” Hayes said. 

“At this point we just have to wait and see, if we keep getting cases on campus, then I’m sure they’ll have to do something,” Israel Banuelos Jr, a freshman majoring in engineering, said.

One student had a more positive outlook on the scenario of next semester going completely online.

“I wouldn’t like it honestly because last semester we went remote and I struggled a bit, but I’d power through it.”

No matter what decision school officials make, the Spring semester will start on time on Jan. 11.