SCCC staff, instructors voice memorial words for Myron Perry
Myron Perry ended his teaching career at SCCC in 2019 when he went to pursue a research job on the biofuel process. The former instructor recently passed away.
October 22, 202173 Views
Myron Perry, a former microbiology instructor at Seward County Community College, passed away recently.
Perry’s family said his favorite job was the years he taught at Seward and interacted with students from 2013-19. It wasn’t unusual to see him walking down the hall greeting everyone passing by or sitting in front of the library. He known not only for teaching but for leading the STEM club to national competitions and doing research projects with students. He left SCCC to continue some of this research as a Lab Analyst at Seaboard Energy.
Instructors, staff and some former students offered these memories of time spent with Perry: (To add your own memories, use the comments section below)
Ty Hughbanks
Myron was passionate about scientific research. He spent most of his weekends in the lab. When I asked him if he was trying to get rich on the “overtime”, he replied, “I would do it for free, but don’t tell the bosses!”
Darin Workman
My fondest memory of Myron is sometimes when I would go over to the A building I might see him kicking the soccer ball around in the hallway.

Sharon Brockman
Myron … loved connecting with former students and talking with them about what research they were working on.
Myron told his nursing majors in Anatomy and Microbiology that he wanted them to do well in his class because someday he might wake up in hospital bed looking up at the nurse and he wanted the nurse taking care of him to be one of his A students. When Myron was sick a few years ago and woke up in the hospital, sure enough some of his former students were the nurses taking care of him.
Barb Feese
Myron was such a fun loving kind of guy. He was always interacting with the students and getting them involved . My favorite memory of him was playing soccer with some students in the hall. They were having a great time and he was trying to include everyone he could.
Annette Hackbarth-Onson
Myron Perry was the first person that I met at SCCC. I came in for an interview, nervous and lost in the Hobble Academic Building. (As you know this place looks pretty much the same on each side and with no windows…I couldn’t figure out where I was.)
I needed to get to the board room so I asked a student. She said she didn’t know but she knew who would. She marched me into Myron Perry’s class and asked him where the board room was because I was lost. He took one look at me all dressed up and obviously feeling out of place and walked me straight into the board room. I apologized because I didn’t want to interrupt his class. He smiled and told me that, “They didn’t want to listen to him anyway”. I laughed, thanked him and had a great interview.
When I got home I told my husband about this guy with the cool dreadlocks that helped me out. My impression was that SCCC had it all figured out – I was welcomed warmly by the first person I met in the hallway … I couldn’t wait to start working here.
Shandon Classen
I never had him in class but as a student, I remember him being a notable presence on campus. He was one of those people that everyone knew and liked, even if they didn’t know him well. He was just one of those “legendary” professors on campus that everyone recognized.
I remember talking about him with so many other students, even though I never really talked to him myself. That’s the mark of a special person in my opinion.
Terri Barnes
I always enjoyed talking to Myron. He was a very interesting person. I enjoyed listening to him play.

(File Photo)
Susan Ingland
The nursing students really liked him as a faculty member. He spent time teaching them what they needed!
Emory Swaggerty
I remember Myron as friendly and humble, easy to visit with about sports, academics, etc.. He cared about his students and imbued them with the love of learning. He had certain expectations of them and they didn’t want to let him down.
I think he’d been in the navy and had played pro soccer. He’d join students in playing soccer on campus. He would have liked to help coach a Saints soccer team if we had one. If we do get a soccer team in the future, I think a “Myron Perry Spirit Award” or (soccer team or no) a scholarship in his name might be appropriate. I’m sad to hear of his passing and I hope his family may find some comfort in their memories and in knowing other share their grief.
Don Hays
I was on Myron’s hiring committee and was impressed with him from the start — his experience and knowledge base in the sciences was keen.
I knew he would be an asset to our faculty but also a friend. Always cheerful, congenial, and kind; always receptive, attentive, and friendly… I always liked Myron a lot and I will always look back fondly on the time we were able to be friends.
Jeanne Beer
Myron was a very kind man, always taking the time to stop by and say hello or a wave from down the hall. He was a very distinctive man. He dressed very nice and wore his white lab coat each day. He could be seen kicking his soccer ball from office to office. He was very kind to the students as well. One particular student he took under his wing to do everything that he could to help her through a difficult time. He will be missed by all that knew him.

Sharon Nickelson
I loved seeing him in the hall kicking a soccer ball. I always gave him a hard time and we would laugh. I loved his beautiful smile, which he almost always had. He will be missed.
Have a memory of Perry? Share it below in the comments section.
Shelia Scheib
Myron would come over to the cosmetology school and let the students work on refreshing his dreads. It was a cool learning experience for the students, and they always had so much fun while learning from him.
Celeste Donovan
Myron was always upbeat. I’ll remember him dribbling the soccer ball through the halls trying to get people to play ball with him. Also, his mad professor costume at Halloween time was hilarious.
Stephanie Heger
I didn’t know Myron very well, but what I do remember about him, is that he was always so friendly and upbeat. He was always up for a good conversation, or just a friendly smile, and hello, as you passed him in the hallway! My thoughts and prayers are sure extended to his entire family!!
Ken Trzaska
Myron along with other members of our campus, students and community would often play basketball and soccer (yes where I did break my ankle twice over two years).
Myron was always a great colleague and friend who shared his story in education and life in such a way that always inspired and motivated those around him. He especially cared for his students and always did what he could to encourage and guide them to success. Myron carried an aspirational attitude that was infectious.
His loss breaks our hearts but we must remember that his memory will always live on through those who knew him best.
Courage and strength to his family and friends.
Mindy Holder • Oct 24, 2021 at 12:03 am
I’m really sad to hear this. Prayers