What made you decide on natural gas [technology] as your major?
I have family that has already been in the natural gas program. So, I decided to give it a shot and see “why not?” because it seems interesting. And also, welding was full.
What do you think makes someone successful?
I think it takes a lot of hard work, obviously. But I also think a little bit of luck is involved.
If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be and why?
That’s a good question. I think I just chill out with my future self. Maybe watch a show. Maybe ask him for spoilers of “One Piece”. Be like, “Dude. So like, what’s One Piece actually like? Kind of curious?”
If money were no object, what would you do?
Pay off my parents’ mortgage or something like that, my mom’s medical bills. Maybe get myself my dream car which is a 78 Trans Am.
What’s some of your favorite music?
I think some of my favorite artists would have to be Kevin Karl, Ed Maverick, Earl Sweatshirt, the Alchemist. I really like their music. I think I can relate to it at times. Also, I was like, I don’t know. Just like the way it sounds, like the beats, the lyrics. Then I think Ed Maverick and Kevin Karl are really good singers too.

What’s your favorite part of the day?
I think my favorite part would have to be the break time that we get during class because I don’t know it’s just a good time to talk with my classmates and friends to relax for a moment and get something to eat real quick, and I think it’s just a really relaxing part of the day.
What is the dumbest way you’ve been hurt?
I was working at the city. I remember we were working at one park and then I put one of the weed eaters in the back of the truck. And then I went to grab it again and I didn’t look at what part I was grabbing so I touched the exhaust part, and ended up burning my hand.
Do you consider mac and cheese a main dish or a side dish?
It depends how much there is. If there’s a lot of mac and cheese then it counts as a meal. However, if you have other things like ham and other stuff like that, like if it’s Thanksgiving, obviously mac and cheese is a side. But like you get your Kraft mac and cheese, cook it up, then that’s the meal.
If you could be anybody for a day, who would it be and why?
It’d be myself for another day I don’t see the point and like trying to be someone else. I don’t know I just wouldn’t really care for it. I’m satisfied with my life. So, I’d pick myself.
Do you have any superstitions? If so, what are they?
I guess. I don’t really have superstitions like that. But I have a routine schedule every day, and if one part of that day doesn’t go right. I think that’s bad luck for the rest of, like, the week or the month.
You’re given an elephant. You can’t give it up. What would you do with said elephant?
Oh my God, go to my backyard and dig out like a, I guess like a little trench with water, you know that way we can chill out, have a little place for water and stuff. And I guess I’d research like, what do elephants eat?
So you’d raise your elephant?
Well yeah, I can’t give it away I’m kind of, kind of forced to have it. I’m not doing this because I want to, I’m doing this because I have to, you know? I can’t give it up, it’s said in the question.