Lady Saints sweep the Red Devils

Angel Meza

Freshman Carla Covane blocks a Red Devils shot during the first half. Carla Covane finished the game with 11 points, seven rebounds, two assists and steals.

Angel Meza, Sports Editor

By the beginning of the second quarter, the Red Devils were already falling behind. The Lady Saints hosted Allen Community College on Wednesday, Dec. 6, where they managed to put up more than 20 points by the first quarter. Seward played good defense and had great shot selection, which helped them earn such a huge lead.

In the first half, the Lady Saints shut down the Red Devils with a score of 57-20.  Throughout the whole game, Seward kept feeding their posts, making most of their points come from inside the paint. During the second quarter, it seemed like it was raining in the Greenhouse. Sophomore, Mollie Mounsey, kept draining every three-pointer that was available for her to shoot.

Angel Meza
Sophomore Mollie Mounsey swishes a deep three-pointer during the first half against Allen Community College. Mounsey made 5/8 three-pointers and 5/6 free-throws.

“Our defensive energy was really good in the first half. We did a great job feeding the post and scoring points from the paint instead of taking long range shots,” SCCC Women’s Basketball Head Coach, Toby Wynn, said.

Angel Meza
SCCC Women’s Basketball Head Coach Toby Wynn calls a 30 second time and talks with the team about the play before.

For the second half, the Lady Saints kept rotating in different players, giving the whole team great energy. During the second half, it seemed as if the Red Devils were giving up as they just shot it and hoped for the best. As the lead kept increasing, energy kept rising from the fans as well. Overall, the Lady Saints had great ball movement and high energy on the court, which lead them to with with an outstanding score of 108-47.

“Before the game I absolutely thought Allen was going to be a tough game. They were tied with Cowley at half time. Before going on to the court, they definitely had our attention,” Head Coach Wynn said.

The Lady Saints had an excellent performance and absolutely dominated the Red Devils. The player of the night was Mounsey. Mounsey scored 34 points and had three rebounds, three assists and two steals.

The Lady Saints will be on the road on Saturday, Dec. 9, where they will compete with Neosho Community College at 2 p.m in Chanute, Kansas.