The sixth installment in the horror satire franchise, “Scream VI” follows the story of Samantha Carpenter a year after the events of the previous Scream...
SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS Pack so you can dress appropriately. If you are going to the beach, do not forget a sweater or jacket. Even a beach can...
I watched “American Sniper” with my brother, neither of us knowing it was based on a true story.
American Sniper is the story of Chris Kyle, the deadliest sniper in the history of the U.S. military, and is played by Bradley Cooper.
“The Book of Life” is a stunning visual story deeply immersed in the Mexican holiday of El Dia de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) and is directed by Jorge Gutierrez and produced by Guillermo del Toro. “The Book of Life” delves into the heavy themes of death and the afterlife, but this film does not try to terrify the viewer and is a great film for children.
Gunshots, panic and sirens enveloped Aurora, Colo., during a midnight screening of “The Dark Knight” this summer. Three Saints baseball players were...
“Contagion” brings to the big screen what would happen if an unknown pathogenic germ/virus started spreading throughout human contact. Globalization...
Anthony Hopkins, Collin O’ Donoghue, and Alice Braga star in the new supernatural thriller, “The Rite,” which is based on true events, and is directed...