10 things you need to know as a SCCC freshman

Extra tip: Night classes start on Aug. 19 — not Aug. 20 when day classes start. Who knows why SCCC does this but take heed so you don’t get an absence before you even really start.

Classes are back in session at Seward County Community College, and if you want to start your year off on the right foot here at SCCC, there are ten things that you should know. 

1.Don’t buy your books right away.
Wait until your first day of class to ask your professor if purchasing the textbook is mandatory. If they say yes, then head over to the on campus bookstore and they will get you taken care of. 

2. Join a club!
Yes, seriously, do it. Being a member of any club on campus will not only introduce you to possible new friends, but it will also grant you a book scholarship! 

3. Make sure you constantly check your school email.
Professors use gmail mainly to communicate with students about cancelled classes and graded assignments. It’s also the fastest way to reach one of your professors if you can’t meet up with them in person. 

4. Parking at SCCC kind of sucks.
A tip for parking after 9 a.m is to get to campus a little bit after the :50 time mark and luckily, you will find at least one or two free parking spaces. Parking next to the baseball fields will also guarantee you a super long walk to your class and if youre already running late, it’s not ideal. 8 a.m classes are super easy to find parking for, though.  

5. Don’t skip.
It’s important to attend every class in general because after all, we are here by choice to become the best versions of ourselves we can be, but there are particular classes that I don’t recommend missing at all, such as science or math classes, or else you will fall behind and totally hate yourself when your grade plummets because you missed out on a day of notes. Participation may also be a grade in any class so just go to class and you’ll be fine!

6. The bookstore does free coffee tuesdays!
You can take your own cup or use their cups there, but coffee is free at the Seward Saints book store at the union! Perfect for those cold fall and winter days coming up. 

7. College students get discounts!
Yes, you read correctly. If you didn’t know already, being a broke college student grants you the privilege of getting discounts at different retail stores or online subscriptions. Read our article here about it!

8. Professors can be incredibly understanding people.
If you come to have trouble in one of your classes, make sure to communicate with your professor. They will always offer a solution for you and will appreciate you going to them instead of just ignoring the problem and waiting for it to fix itself. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

9. Make sure you know what youre supposed to know for your major.
Take the time to research what classes you need and what credits will transfer over to the university you want to transfer to in case you plan to transfer, it will make your life easier and will also make your advisors job easier as well. 

10. Use professors’ office hours.
Each professor will have their own office and office hours for their students to utilize for help on assignments, upcoming tests or guidance in general so make sure if you need any help at all, make an appointment with your professor.