A late mistake
Advice for upcoming students considering a night class
Night classes are offered at SCCC for students and community members. Night classes occur only once a week, which can be a reason why most students think it’s a good idea to take them. (Photo Illustration)
September 12, 2019
A night class can be a way to stretch out one’s schedule so that it isn’t hectically packed. This can be a quick-witted idea for students trying to escape stress but I was one of those students who made the “late mistake.”

Freshman Alan Delgado, quickly finishes some notes for his introduction speech before Kay Burtz, the night class public speaking instructor, enters the room.
Some see the fact that night classes only meet once a week as a major reason to enroll in one. There are many options for night classes, and some classes are only taught after regular hours. These types of classes, such as criminal justice and glass blowing, are taught solely in the night due to the teachers schedules. Most of the teachers work day jobs and then dedicate their undivided attention to a night class to further educate students.
Night class can go either way. From my understanding, a person either hates their night class or loves it. Even teachers can fall under this category.
Sue Sprenkle, a photography instructor, stated that she loves her small class but she does not like spending all day at the school without being able to return to her home in Satanta.
Night class is situational. A working mother could not attend a regular day class to obtain her associates degree, so night class would be ideal for her to reach her goals.
Personally, night class was the wrong decision for me. I did not realize that having to sit through a three hour speech class would be the demise of me.
At the lunch table, anyone nearby could hear the exclamation of my fellow peers.
“Oh my God, we have speech this Wednesday!” Magaly Cortes, freshman sports medicine major, said.
Night class overall depends on a person’s major, their interests, and if they do not mind spending long periods of time in a classroom. But, if a person is working a job to support a family or just working to get ahead, a night class is a perfect opportunity to keep up with school.
If a student does not fall into these categories and is taking night classes because they think the decision will save them from stress, I suggest they steer away from that idea.

Sophomore Erandi Castro and freshman Alan Delgado speak to instructor Kay Burtzloff right before heading back to their rooms. Burtzloff is sporting a smile due to her students not fainting during their first speech.
Night class being at an awkward, late time would not only make a person not want to attend the class, but also make them procrastinate more due to the dread of that class.
Night class is completely situational with both arguing sides having a strong reinforcement. My advice is to place oneself into a category and decide then what would be best. If I could go back, I would not make the “late mistake.”