Photo Essay: Clubs host spooky games for community kids
November 1, 2019
Scary goblins, super heroes and beautiful princesses lined up to go through the Student Union on Oct. 31 for the annual Trick-or-Treat Street. The event is put on by Seward County Community College’s clubs for the community’s children to have a safe place to go trick-or-treating.
Club members dress up in costumes, decorate the student union and come up with games for the children to play … and of course, there’s candy and semi-spooky music.

Nayeli Galan, Liberal freshman, hands out candy to children. The cheer team hosted a ping pong ball toss game for the trick-or-treaters..

A line of families stretched out of the doors of SCCC’s student union as eager trick-or-treaters wait for sweets. Hundreds streamed through on the chilly night.

Festively dressed students from the Hispanic-American Leadership Organization (HALO) pass out candy to trick-or-treaters.

Kids and parents wore a variety of costumes and face paint for Halloween.

SCCC clubs, such as the art club, helped at Trick or Treat street.