Members of Phi Theta Kappa recently picked up trash on highway 54. The club is involved in the Adopt–a-highway program. A group of 16 members traveled to a segment of highway 54 Northeast of Kismet to pick up trash around the highway. “This is an activity that PTK does every semester,” said PTK Vice President of Leadership Oscar DonJuan. PTK performs the clean up biannually and has adopted 2 miles of the highway that it keeps clean. “Not just anybody is out here doing this,” said Vice President of community service Selene Perez. Spilt into teams of two the PTK members cleaned up the ditches on both sides of the highway. The trash that was picked up was ranged from beer bottles to pieces of rubber. “People need to stop throwing their trash out, and they need to stop drinking and driving,” said Perez about the amount of beer bottles and cans that were picked up. DonJuan recommends that more people should participate in the clean up. “I’d encourage other clubs and organizations to adopt a highway,” said DonJuan. PTK will be inducting new members this Sunday, also the members of PTK will be going back to the segment of the highway to pick up trash again in the spring semester.