Using the Title V grant received last year, the college has made considerable progress since last October on the new Corrosion Technology program with the hiring on of Corrosion Technology Specialist William Worley. Worley has worked to adapt the Corrosion Technology curriculum from the curriculum used at Kilgore College in Kilgore, Texas. Kilgore College and the University of Akron in Ohio are the two leading colleges specializing in corrosion technology courses, and Seward County will join them as the third. Plans for renovations to the Tech School to accomodate the new program have gone to bid. The addition to the Tech School that will house classrooms and workshops for students enrolled in the program will be on the auto body building. The program will also feature an outdoor lab where students will get hands on training working on pipelines used to simulate corrosion scenarios. The program is in the process of getting approval from the Kansas Board of Regents. Corrosion technology is a far reaching field which includes energy, infrastructure, transportation systems, national security, and more. On average, corrosion techs start out with an annual salary of $60,000 per year, and with more experiance, yearly salary is around $99,000. The Corrosion Tech program is the first of the three high demand programs to be created by th ecollege over the five year time line.
New corrosion technology program makes progress
April 6, 2011
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