It’s time to try something new
SCCC Anime Club invites all to join
When an alien eye pops open on someone’s hand, usually people scream. Not at this club though. On Thursday, Sep. 1, room H112 was full of laughter as Seward County Community College’s Anime Club watched a show called “Parasyte.”

This sound is normal. During the club meeting, there was almost constant chatter and jokes being made. Alexia Pavia, a visual arts major from Liberal, said the club is a break from her schedule to laugh and relax.
During the meetings, the club members decide on a show and watch for about an hour. Alexis Soto, a business administration major from Liberal, said that although they do watch anime during the meeting times, sometimes the show just becomes background noise while they talk.
Judith Soto, a visual arts major, agreed with Alexis Soto saying, “It’s a safe place. People think it’s cringy, but it’s just a nice destress.”
The club meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30-1:30 p.m. This timing though has caused conflict with many students’ schedules and is a reason why the club only has a small amount of six to eight attendees.

“I have had people come and tell me they’d like to come, but they have classes,” Alexis Soto said.
During the meeting on Thursday, this issue was discussed and the decision was made to add an extra day for more people to join. The club will also be meeting on Wednesday at 1 p.m. from now on. For those hesitant about joining because of subtitles, Michael McComack, president of the club, said they would be willing to use dubbing for anyone that would prefer this instead.
Pavia has only been to a few meetings but said the Anime Club has already broadened her horizons on what anime really is. That is one of the main purposes of the club, to recommend new shows and movies. McComack said he helped start the club to introduce students to new and different types of anime.
“Everyone gets into the stage where you don’t know what to watch. With this club, you always find new things to help get out of that slump,” McComack explained.
For those wanting something new or just wanting to start watching anime in general, a few of the club members and the instructor, Kevin Gleason, each recommended one of their favorites.

Megan Berg is an SCCC freshman majoring in mass communications. She is an 18-year-old native to Southwest Kansas having been...