Crusader News recommends books for D.E.A.R. Day
Crusader News recommends “Blood Sugar,” “Everything, Everything,” and “The Walking Dead: Compendium One” for D.E.A.R. Day. These books can be found at the Seward County Community College Library.
Not sure what book to read? Don’t worry, Crusader has decided to recommend some of their favorite books for Drop-Everything-and-Read-Day or better known as D.E.A.R Day. Seward County Community College Library invites students to celebrate some literature on Feb. 15th all day.
Brianna Rich – “Everything, Everything” by Nicola Yoon
My recommendation is “Everything, Everything” because of the drama and romance that is within this book. The drama especially is what makes it a good read. The book is about an 18-year-old girl named Madeline Whittier, and she is sick with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). Her sickness makes it to where she is not allowed to leave her house or interact with anything that has not been “sanitized” because if she does then she could possibly die. Later in the storyline she ends up falling in love with her next door neighbor and ends up lying to him so that he will take her to Hawaii. However, all of the lies come out towards the end making the ending a big surprise for readers. Again, I highly recommend this book because of the surprise especially. Then after you read the book, I highly recommend watching the movie as well. They both are so good.
Ashanti Thompson – “Blood Sugar” by Sascha Rothchild
A book I’ve read recently that can pull almost anyone in is a newer book titled “Blood Sugar” written by American author Sascha Rothchild. From thriller to mystery and even romance, “Blood Sugar” ticks off many boxes for avid and new readers. In the book, your point of view is that of a woman by the name of Ruby who is accused of murdering her husband but twist he’s not one of the people she has murdered. The book jumps back between her earlier years to after her husband’s death and unravels the story murder by murder. An interesting point is the humanization of Ruby despite her being a murderer. Rothchild makes readers root for Ruby, and she makes her one of the most lovable criminals I’ve ever read about. This book has many twists and puts you into the mind of a rather complex and otherwise unique character. It is an overall easy read, and shorter book to keep your mind engaged throughout the whole story while still having lots of action and storytelling.
Daniel Rodriguez – “The Walking Dead: Compendium One” by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore
I’m not the most avid reader of books, so my recommendation for D.E.A.R Day is “The Walking Dead” , a graphic novel. Instead of it having paragraphs of sentences it has panels of pictures, making it easy to pick up and read. The series itself is actually a comic book series, but this compendium is a collection of all the comics up to the Prison Arc. This compendium gives you a run-through of the main character, Sheriff Rick, as he wakes up from his coma post-zombie apocalypse and begins searching for his wife and son. Overall I enjoyed the TV show a great deal so the graphic novel was an interesting read and allowed me to see where the show and comics differ. For those on D.E.A.R Day who don’t want to read a regular book I would recommend graphic novels like this one.

Brianna Rich is a 20-year-old sophomore majoring in journalism. Rich is very excited about starting a new semester and can...

Ashanti - also known as "T"- is a sophomore from Phoenix, Arizona, and plays for our lady saints softball team. When not...

Daniel Rodriguez is a 22-year-old student going on 4 years at Seward County Community College. Currently he majors in education....