SGA addresses anxiety over parking passes
September 27, 2016
Student anxiety over the newly required parking permits was discussed in the Sept. 26 Student Government Association meeting. Dennis Mulanax, SCCC director of safety, joined in on the meeting in order to answer questions.
SGA president Andy Ortiz said he felt there were concerns from the students about this new requirement, so the student government wanted to get to the bottom of it.
“I feel like we got a lot of feedback and questions answered as to why students need parking passes,” Vangie Padilla, member of SGA, said about the question and answer period.
Mulanax stated that the reason for parking permits on campus was to help enhance the safety for all students. All proceeds from the $10 permits will go towards signs, lighting, updated parking spots and cameras. Even though there are no absolutes about this new resource, it is a reasonable process and it is all going towards helping the students.
“I feel like a lot of issues and concerns about the parking passes were resolved today during the meeting,” Ortiz said. “I also feel that since this is the first year we are doing the parking passes, that there was a lot of confusion about the whole thing, but now we have a better understanding as to why we have the new rules. I feel like these parking passes will help with the safety of the college and students as a whole through the next couple generations.”
Alyssa Fisher, club member, agreed, “I think the parking passes are not only a great way to identify potentially dangerous individuals lurking on campus, but ensure the safety of current students, staff and Seward County Saint lovers in the community.”
SGA also discussed events during the Hispanic heritage month, Sept. 15-Oct. 15. There are many different activities. On Friday, Sept. 30, walking tacos will be served in the Student Union from 11 am to 1 pm. On Oct. 5, there will be a jalapeƱo eating contest and fried ice cream will also be served. Students will be able to make their own street sign in the Student Union on Oct. 6.