Telolith submissions needed March 10

Jessica Aldave-Ramos

More stories from Jessica Aldave-Ramos

Telolith, SCCC’s literary magazine, has been published every year since 1974. The magazine features student work.

Telolith is a literary magazine made by Seward County Community College students. Telolith has been around since 1974, and has won 17 awards.

Students submit their work, whether it is a piece of artwork, or a form of writing. Poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, personal essays and artwork can all be submitted. The work you submit must not have ever been published.

Students have already began on their pieces that they will submit to the Telolith. Instructors encourage students to submit as much as they want, but don’t submit a novel.

“I feel like I am putting my name out there, so I would feel great if I were to get published. I will probably draw something for the Telolith and I might even give writing a try,” Johnny Mendoza said.

Art students are able to collaborate with writing pieces that english instructor Bill McGlothing has selected to be published in the Telolith. Art students also have the choice of going off their own ideas.

“Telolith is a good stepping stone for the area of study you are going into,” art instructor Dustin Farmer said, noting the Telolith format is used by professionals all of the time and can prep you for the future.

“[It’s the] same with art students [who] submit artwork to a publication, send it off to publications and want it to be shown in galleries.

“The unveiling is my favorite part when it is all said and done. As a graphic designer that is what you want to see,” Farmer explained.

Keynitra Houston
Get your creative juices flowing! It’s time to make submissions to SCCC’s annual Telolith.

“I am looking for work that is crafted and not just where it’s tossed off the night before, but works that are actually drafted, reflected on and revised if necessary.” McGlothing said. If you are worried about submitting your work, don’t be. McGlothing believes students should have the courage to move something they have written in private to public. He believes it’s really cool to have someone you don’t know tell you how much they like your writing.

“Students shouldn’t pay attention to the people telling them that their work isn’t good. Students need to pay attention to the people telling them that their work is valuable. Take a chance and go public with your work. No guts, no glory,” McGlothing said.

Vocal Music instructor, Magda Silva, took McGlothing’s creative writing class two years ago, and was able to participate in the Telolith. She enjoyed the class and loved being a part of the Telolith.

“The best part are the submissions, because there are new students submitting and it’s always a completely different magazine. The art that Farmer puts in with the literary work is great. The students do such a good job with putting everything together,” Silva said.

Being in the Telolith could help students in the future. It could help students get out of their shell, and give them the courage to submit. “It gives students an initial run through on the process that they would go through to submit their works after they graduate. With writing, they are going to submit to literary journals or other publications. In the past we have had pieces that were submitted by writers that have gone on to write novels,” Farmer said.

If you have any questions about art go ahead and ask Farmer, and if you have questions about writing, then ask McGlothing. Their offices are located in the humanities building. To submit, students can get a submission form from both instructors. The deadline to submit a piece is March 10.