HALO (Hispanic American leadership organization) is a club at Seward County Community college that helps students develop leadership skills and embrace...
With thousands of movies and shows to choose from, Netflix has something for just about everyone. With all of these options, though, it can be hard to...
Seward County Community College not only offers classes that are traditional but also offers classes out of the ordinary. One might consider this, classes...
An intense heat emanates from the glowing furnace inside the glass blowing shed behind the annex building of Liberal High School. It bounces off of ones...
Anyone who has ever pursued a job understands just how challenging the hiring process can be. From filling out complicated applications to preparing for...
This year's spring homecoming was held on Feb. 9 in the greenhouse. Cole Evans and Kaitlyn Van Vleet were crowned Homecoming King and Queen between the...
The American Red Cross hosted their yearly blood drive on Feb. 7 here at Seward County Community at the student union.
Students, staff and residents...
Do you ever just need to get to work or you just desperately need to go to Walmart to run some errands but how can you possibly get there when you don’t...
The lowest scoring Super Bowl game took place in the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta on Feb. 3. The New England Patriots won to the Los Angeles Rams with...
As the spring semester swings into full gear and graduating students prepare to transfer to four-year universities in the fall, many students are discovering...