A nursing student gets ready for their clinicals and puts on their scrubs, goes to the hospital and spends hours shadowing a nurse and even more hours...
A shortage of protective masks during the COVID-19 pandemic has inspired citizens of Liberal to come together at a distance to make reusable masks for...
Despite not being able to attend the State Conference in person, the Crusader News team conquered the Kansas Collegiate Media contest, coming home with...
Going to the store or to a favorite restaurant everyday is a thing of the past with stay-at-home restrictions from the federal and state government. It's...
Easter is a worldwide, religious holiday celebrated by many families, however it’s more than just wearing your best outfit, or biggest hats to church!...
It’s been three weeks since students received an email announcing that classes were going online as a result of the spread of COVID-19. Initially, this...
Notebooks, textbooks, and left over items from students are stuffed into a black trash bag and set out on the school curb. Lesson plans disappear while...
Online schooling has been difficult for many college students. Whether that be struggling with zoom calls, bad internet connection or just no motivation....
he gyms are empty. The restaurants are empty. The streets are empty ... and wallets are empty. A global pandemic has caused a crisis in the personal...
Phi Beta Lambda traveled to Emporia for the 2020 Kansas PBL State Leadership Conference before spring break and the Coronavirus outbreak in Kansas. The...
Our world is in constant flux during this coronavirus outbreak. With each change, students’ email boxes get slammed with information. In an effort to...
As of today, the state of Kansas has reported to have 368 cases of Coronavirus. A stay-at-home order has been issued for the whole state of Kansas by Gov....