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The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


Heatwave chart

Heatwave breaks high temperature record set in 1994

August 30, 2011

Little rainfall and high temperatures made the summer of 2011   breaking. Seward County experienced some extremely high temperatures that caused many...

CAAP assessments crucial for evaluating student success

April 6, 2011

All graduates who will receive an associate degree or certificate of completion in 2011 are required to take the Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency...

Budgeting: keeping your spending on track

April 30, 2010

Do you know why a budget is so important? For most people it seems that creating a budget is just a tedious financial exercise, especially if you feel...

Graduation is important

Graduation is important

April 19, 2010

Graduation is an opportunity, and no students who have spent the past two or more years here at Seward working their butts off for their degrees should...

Be a hero by being a good role model

April 15, 2010

As a kid, my favorite super heros were Batman, Zorro and, of course, my mom. I would always run around the house in the Dark Knight’s cape, and put on...

School is challenging, but don’t regret it

April 15, 2010

First off, if you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you’re a student. If you’re a student, you’ve probably successfully made it to...

Life lesson taught through video game

April 1, 2010

I am a nerd if there ever was one. Who could see life parallels in something as worthless as a video game? I actually saw an applicable lesson in the video...

More people should find the child in themselves

April 1, 2010
One of the worst things that can happen to a person is that they grow up too quickly. Why should we stop reading fairy tales when become adults?

Watching how you act can change a life

April 1, 2010

Our lives are filled with decisions throughout the day. Some may be as small as whether you should sail with Captain Crunch, chase after Lucky and his...

Change does not come easy

Change does not come easy

September 25, 2009

"When life smacks them back and hands them a three year bid in the state’s system, then it’s time to change" –Devon Ponder The lights are cut off...

Students can invest money in college and stay out of debt with easy steps

Students can invest money in college and stay out of debt with easy steps

September 25, 2009

"Is it possible to invest money while in college?" –Carlos Souza The majority of college students start their first months in the job market with...

No parents, no problem

September 25, 2009

"There’s this little thing that almost all teenagers develop at some point: the need for independence." –Dana Loewen “By the various levels of stress...

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The student news site of Seward County Community College