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Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

Ben Scantlin and Frank Hampton hold up the International Pancake Day Race banner at the finish line. This banner was just introduced to Pancake Day in 2024.

Pancake Day stirs up the Liberal community

Joseph Haskell, Reporter
March 25, 2025

Seventy six consecutive years of running with an apron and a skillet on Shrove Tuesday. Many small towns have their own traditions, while Liberal, Kansas’...

Seward County Community College will be closed to celebrate Pancake Day.

School is out for pancakes

Laura Gillespie
March 1, 2022

Seward County Community College will be closed Tuesday to celebrate Liberal's Pancake Day. This holiday is only celebrated in Liberal and in Only, England....

Pancake Day has been a Liberal tradition for more than 70 years. It was canceled and moved to an online event this year due to COVID-19 protocols and the severe cold weather blanketing the area. As part of the virtual celebration, share your memories of Pancake Day and make new ones in your home. (File photo)

Virtual Pancake Day takes place today

Maria Coronado, Reporter
February 16, 2021

Waking up to the smell of pancakes sure is delicious. In Liberal there is a whole day dedicated to it. Pancake Day is celebrated every year on the day...

Whitney Hay placed first in the Liberal leg of the Pancake Day race, but lost to Olney, England by three seconds.

SCCC student Whitney Hay takes first in Liberal’s Pancake Day race

Elvis Polvon, Reporter
February 26, 2020

The Pancake Day race tradition carried for 71 years brings the two sister cities together every year right before Lent. Since 1950, Liberal and Olney,...

Abby Lovato, a SCCC student and Liberal resident, participated in the Last Chance Race. This is the traditional race depicting a woman running from her house to church after she realized she was late. Liberal competes every year with their sister city, Olney, England. The town with the fastest time is named champion for the year. Lovato placed  sixth.

Liberal beats Olney on Pancake Day

Rubi Gallegos, photo Editor
March 6, 2019

Pancake Day marks the one-day celebration that Liberal holds, presenting a great big feast full of breakfast favorites including the almighty pancake....

Pancake Day races, contests heating up

January 25, 2012

If asked to name all of the holidays in February, residents of Liberal would be able to name off one more than most people: Pancake Day. Since 1950, Liberal...

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The student news site of Seward County Community College
Pancake Day