Did you know?
10 spicy fun facts to wow your friends with
The world is full of all kinds of unusual facts. I think people will learn a little extra through these topics. They are either necessary and not talked about as much or ones that I think are just odd. With the addition of my own personal pizazz.
Did you know?
…that in the 1800s it was common to eat Egyptian mummies? That’s right. People ate dead people and it wasn’t even seen as cannibalism. The 1800s were sometimes a little tough to chew on.
Did you know?
…that for seahorses males are the ones that give birth? If I’m being completely honest, and I’ve never had a kid so I don’t have a good say, but maybe that is the way it should be.
Did you know?
…that feminine products, such as pads and tampons, were seen as luxury items? I would like to say one thing if you were stabbed…would you try and stop the bleeding and take care of it or would you just “hold in” the blood from the wound? Menstruation is not a luxury, it’s the pits of death and it’s painful. So don’t say it’s a “Luxury Item” it’s not.
Did you know?
…that Judy Garland, The girl that played Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, was paid less than Toto for being in the movie? I know that the period of the thirties wasn’t all about, you know, gender equality but a dog, an animal, was literally paid more than the lead actress. What’s that about?
Did you know?
…that men could get breast cancer? It’s true! Men have the same amount of breast tissue as a prepubescent girl. Guess what boys, ya got breasts.
Did you know?
…there has been an array of presidential pets that are not limited to dogs and cats? The pets extended to silkworms, possums, raccoons, badgers, snakes, sheep, elephants, tigers, alligators, goats, eagles, turkeys, coyotes, lions, zebras, etc. Now that is a lot of weird animals to just have at the White House.
Did you know?
…that a man created surgical gloves for his wife? She was a nurse and would come with horribly chapped hands so he made gloves to protect her hands while she worked. Now that’s a love story if I’ve ever heard of one.
Did you know?
…that you could have a pet skunk? I think they are adorable but they spray that nasty smelling stuff. Fortunately, if you ever wish to adopt a skunk you can have the gland that produces said smell removed. Cute animal and no smell!
Did you know?
…that horses are omnivores? That means that they eat both plants and meats. Kind of ominous if you think about it.
Did you know?
…that a human could fit through the artery of a blue whale? I would not want to be that person.

Krisi Anderson is an 18-year-old freshman and a Liberal local. She is currently an undecided major. Her interest in writing...