Last week, in an alarming move, Democrats removed the word God from their party’s platform. Then, being the politicians that they are, promptly backtracked and put God right back into their party’s platform. While some may look at this and think that it is not that big of a deal — after all, they did reinsert God into their platform — it should send a clear message to all Americans exactly where they plan on taking us for the next four years and beyond. This message that they are sending should be setting off bells and whistles in every household of this once great country from Anchorage to Honolulu to Los Angeles to New York. Over the last 236 years, this country has succeeded on many different levels, probably more than any other nation in the history of the world. From the industrial revolution to sending a man to the moon, this country has been blessed with great success. Now, while we have had some dark times in this country’s history, such as slavery and the Great Depression, this nation has seemingly always found one way or another to thrive. But it’s not like we haven’t had help along the way. This country was built upon a Rock, a firm and solid foundation, and that foundation is God. From the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence was drafted up until now, God is what has made this country so successful. We as a country, or individuals, should not be so prideful to think that we are so great and mighty and that all of this has come from only our own self-driven will and hard work. But apparently Democrats would like us to believe that God was never a part of this. Or as Obama would say, “God didn’t build this!” I’m not saying hard-working Americans haven’t poured their blood, sweat and tears into making this country great. What I am saying is that this nation is distancing itself from God more and more everyday, and that is leading us down a path I don’t believe any of us would like to live to see. And it seems to me the Democrats are clearing that path as we speak, attempting to lead us like lambs to the slaughter. How can they be so ignorant to blatantly ignore God’s favor and all of His blessings? Do they not know that this is the same God that flooded the entire earth for its wickedness and sin? Or that He also destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of all their wickedness and immorality? Heck, He even gave His own people, from Judah, over to the Babylonians for their wickedness, worshipping of idols and forsaking his Law. This is the God that spoke the world into creation in seven days. If we continue down the road we’re headed, what’s to say he wouldn’t hand this country over to China. Or North Korea. Or even Luxembourg, if that is His will. Maybe the Democrats did put God back into their platform, but the simple fact that they tried to remove Him, shows their intent to remove Him eventually. Do they really want to replace God’s blessings with His wrath and judgment? That’s a scary proposition and should put all of us on alert. This is not an article to try to sway you to vote one way or the other. It is my hope that each of us as individuals would stand up and let the whole world hear “God belongs in my country!” Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6.
In ______ we trust? Platform wording red flag for foundation
September 11, 2011