Manufacturing Day drew people from all over Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma to the Area Technical School Oct. 3, with estimates of about 400 attending from area high schools, the college and industry. Manufacturing Day is training for diverse environments, even ranging from the equipment used in welding to the medical field. “I think it is a great deal. It is a nationwide event,” said Butch Garst, instructor in Machine Tool Technology. Instructors from Norton came to present Aero Space equipment made from the machines they built. They also demonstrated tools that make the needle syringes used in the medical field. “Manufacturing Day is to expose the needs for more skilled people,” Garst said. Manufacturing is a broad industry, but it is important in the most simple of objects. Larry McLemore, chair of Industrial Technology said, “The idea behind the day is to showcase all the opportunity that exists in the Southwest region. There is a small picture, and this is to make a bigger picture of these great opportunities.” McLemore also mentioned that there is a huge value in the social part of it. Manufacturing Day is a great oppurtunity for students to explore more into this career and benefit from all the different types of careers that it brings along. While SCCC students enjoyed the barbeque luncheon, Machine Shop Technology student Jorge DeLeon said, “It’s great; we learn a lot and it branches out.” Another SCCC student, Jose Vasquez said, “It’s pretty good. It benefits us by bringing out the good paying jobs.”