Across the nation many students are moving into college dorms and experiencing the dorm life. At first some students may be scared or nervous about moving away from the safety of their home, and learning how to live on their own. Yet dorm life is a great experience that will teach students many things and will be a great source for meeting new people and having a lot of fun. It is my second year living in the dorms at SCCC and it has been a great experience for my parents and I. Even though I only live 15 miles away from my actual home it has been a good experience for me to live on my own and pay for my own stuff. I have learned a lot about myself, and how to take care of myself. Living in the dorms can be a scary thing, but after a while people get used to it. It’s crazy how much dorm life can change someone. I used to be a really quiet person who didn’t try and meet new people. I lived in the country and didn’t have much contact with my friends or anybody, because of my distance from town. When I moved in for my first year I found myself going to other people’s dorms and getting to know each and every person. I never had a chance to live near people and be in contact with them without driving 15 to 20 miles. It actually led to me hanging out with most of the people I met, playing games, watching movies and just hanging out in general. These new people I just knew are now some of my closest friends. Every kid dreams of finally moving out and getting away from their family and doing their own thing. I was definitely one that was ready to get out and do my own thing. After being out for a few weeks I found my relationship with my parents was a lot better. When I went home I enjoyed every second I spent with them, I cherished the time I spent talking and laughing with them, and I realized how much my parents even loved me. They missed me but they were happy and proud of me doing stuff on my own without asking them for help. Students in college should appreciate the time that they spend with their family. There is nothing like going home to people that care. There are some things that people might find disappointing about the dorms. Doing laundry is a constant hassle. Sometimes the dryers won’t completely dry clothes, so you find yourself spending even more money to dry them again. It can also be annoying when someone washes their clothes and then just leaves their stuff in the washer so a person can’t do their laundry until the other persons take care of their stuff. Roommates may also be a problem for some people. My advice with roommates is if you know anybody you will get along, room with them. Everyone is different and does things different in their own ways. If you get a roommate that does stuff that will annoy you, it’s probably not going to be a good time. Living in the dorms is an overall great experience that any student should experience at least once in their life. It will teach you many new things, gain more confidence in yourself on living on your own and getting out of the house, it also helps you meet new people, make a lot of friends and you will have a great time doing it all. Even if you think you have met everybody you want to, or you are confident with living on your own, living in the dorms makes awesome some of the best times you will have in and out of college dorms.
Second year student reflects on dorm life
September 26, 2012