Macy Merydith
Booker, Texas – Major: Pre-Nursing
Macey Merydith is a first-year pre-nursing student from Booker, Texas. Merydith is a full-time commuting college student who balances working at Ninja Sushi Steakhouse and her future dreams of becoming a Registered Nurse.
Why did you decide to come to Seward County Community college and where do you plan to transfer?
I had a couple of different reasons as to why I decided to come to Seward. I was first recruited to come to SCCC when a college representative came and spoke to me about the nursing program and how to was closer for commuting back and forth. Not only that, but it was also a more reasonably priced option compared to my other option that was Stephenville.
If you could spend one day with anyone dead or alive who would it be with?
I would choose to spend the day with my brother Devin. He, unfortunately, passed away when I was 11 but I have many happy memories with him. One includes him chasing our sister all around the house until she stubbed her toe into our coffee table, subsequently breaking her toe. Not the best outcome but it still makes me laugh to this day.

What is your favorite hobby?
I am going to be honest, I consider myself a very boring and introverted person. I am not a really social person. I mainly enjoy sleeping or watching my favorite tv shows. Right now I really love Emily in Paris because I am a huge hopeless romantic. I also watch Grey’s Anatomy – #TeamMeredith all the way. I hated when Derek Sheperd died on the show.
If you could travel anywhere on earth where would it be, what would you do, etc.?
Being the hopeless romantic I am, I would choose to travel to Paris. I would love to bring my boyfriend Taylor, as we have been together almost five years. Our first stop there would be to go eat some good Parisianian food and then go and view the Eiffel Tower.
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
Right now I am currently working on my pre-nursing degree. Once I receive that I plan on staying here at Seward and working toward becoming a registered nurse. After I receive that certification, I want to begin working and making money.
What are your biggest pet peeves?
I have a lot of huge pet peeves. As I mentioned before I am not a big people person so I’d say a lot of regular things that people do irritate me. Things such as trying to tell me I am wrong when I know I am actually right. Oh, especially food smacking. My boss is from Korea and he says he “smacks the food because it is good,” but I also say “just eat like a normal person!”
What is your perfect date?
My perfect date is Lady and the Tramp style all the way. The food, the music, the whole type of grand gesture scene. As I mentioned before I am a huge hopeless romantic which is kind of ironic because my boyfriend Taylor is the opposite.
What was something you liked or disliked about high school?
High School was not the move. Booker High school was very stressful for me – from the cliques to the drama and even the pressure. Thankfully, I had my boyfriend Taylor. Being an introvert, it was good to stick to myself and him – excluding myself from all the messiness of high school. My school was very small, we had a graduating class of only 21 people.

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Amie • Feb 18, 2022 at 4:35 pm
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