Today we live in a world where Facebook is the center of college students’ social lives, where text and instant messages connect almost everyone, in this world it can sometimes be hard to make time for ourselves. Although college is a time when people should come out of their shells and meet new people, it is sometimes necessary for students to find themselves and spend time alone. Personally I would prefer a quiet evening alone, or with a small group a friends, over a loud party. Being an introvert doesn’t mean you are anti-social, it just means you’d rather spend time with yourself or with people who are very close to. Solitude and peace sometimes make people a little better at whatever they are doing. If you don’t know what I’m talking about than you probably weren’t the kid in the back of the room who was quiet and hardly every talked in school. Its not that people like us are anti-social, we just rather keep our own thoughts and feelings to ourselves instead of blurting them out to the world. If you are an introvert don’t feel bad, there are countless perks to being quiet, listening and patiently watching. Relatively school is easy for people who listen carefully. Since we spend time alone our thoughts have time to mature, some of the best and brightest minds in the world were people who we would consider introverts. When people spend time by themselves they get to think and do things that they want to do, thus those people begin to know who they are, what they are afraid off, what ideas they have, what goals they have and other things. You shouldn’t be ashamed if you would rather spend time by yourself than with other people. Personalities grow and are created by spending time alone. Society is filled with people who are extroverts and are spewing every minute of their lives on the social webs, it is nice to have people who don’t want to be in the limelight and would rather do their own thing. But being alone doesn’t mean you have to be confined to a dorm room or house, if you don’t like to be around people much, go out and do some activities that you can enjoy by yourself or with a close friend. Don’t be a hermit who only leaves the cave that they reside in until they need something, also try to be open with other people just like you are when you’re alone. In high school I had a few close friends who I could trust, but most of my free time was spent alone and in peace. College is no different from high school, but it is a little more hectic and time consuming. Just because a person is an introvert does not mean they can’t have strong social or leadership skills. Confidence, charisma, articulation and image are not the only things that matter the people who are quiet, the ones who listen and have the most time to craft ideas, make good leaders. Typically because introverted people don’t interact with other people they tend to be careful and respectful when they are around other people. There are some people who have sheltered themselves too much from the world, and have caused themselves more harm than good. If you are an introvert in college and are having a hard time trying to make new close friends here are a few tips to help; find a hobby you can share, join a club or organization that you want to join or go to places where people who like the same things as you hang out. To those who say nay to all this, when was the last time you sat down and thought about who you truly were, who you are inside and not the person who others think you are. Solitude is a door to self awareness, and to open that door is to find inner peace.
Student finds peace in solitude
November 19, 2012
Jose Medrano is a former Crusader editor who is currently on staff aiding the staff as an editor emeritus. He is a senior from University of Kansas who is currently taking a break from school to prepare and plan for his future goals while having a mini existential crisis, because picking direction to go in with your life is rather hard. Under his leadership the Crusader won two national awards, an All-Kansas, a gold medal and a first place online award. He also received Kansas Journalist of the Year from Kansas Collegiate Media in 2013 and was a paid reporter for the University Daily Kansan at KU.